Black bee swarms selected
Swarms producers, we can offer:
- Swarms of 5 frames Dadant blat (length 47cm frame) or Langstroth (length 48cm frame).
- We guarantee a minimum of 3 frames of brood, the 5 ful of bees and one of the five in construction.
- Swarms healthy, with certificate of health, free from disease.
- We serve the swarms with Beenuk, cardboard hive and special preparation for the bees are not stressed on long journeys, included in the price.
On request, we can make Organicl swarms (wax and food), and all cadres measures.
Swarms served before April 15, are made from the previous year, and served after are made in the same year.
The Swarms in strict order of reservation.
Ask for a quote by email, we will attach documents and booking information.
The black bee is suitable for the beekeeping of the future.
Many beekeepers wish to practice a quiet beekeeping with a bee develops naturally good and that ned a minimum of care. The black bee, very rustic, is their quite recommended. It allows to produce regularly honey with minimal maintenance and monitoring. In Europe, the black bee bee is ideal for many beekeepers.
It has real zootechnical qualities.
It is also used by many professionals for these qualities.
The black bee is an important race economically.
The black bee is an irreplaceable heritage
Rustic, it has good wintering capacity, resistant to weathering, swarming moderately and ensures a very good production of polen and right honey production.
Well adapted to the region, it rises easily and requires minimal care.
Our farm
Apijuneda is located in Catalonia, where the black bell is the only one traditionally used by all beekeepers.
Our farm works with 1300 hives where we get 2400 swarms average annually. This is a clear sign of the health of our exploitation.
In front of some reports on bee health summaries, Apicola Junedenca á decided since 2002 by power of young queens and from this year it carries out a total and annual renovation of the queens of our hives.
This gave excellent results, in principle can seem hard work, really is a working economy; because we can have absolute confidence content of our hives without needing campaign decreases replacements, or after the winter, and costly and harsh revisions.
The young queens (black bee) are our best asset.
Our swarms come with hive in cartón BEENUK (non refundable), it ha a good balance quality-price very to cope with the demands of our customers actuals.
They advised us to take maximum care in order to prevent the transference of disease between farms.
The farms devoted to the production of swarms have a great health responsibility, and the hive in cartón BEENUK, completely made this function.
The flexibility of Beenuk also allows us to quickly change several settings to achieve plenement meet the needs of our customers. Stock available, adaptation of small diferences etc.